Rose Scapin5.0 out of 5 stars It is a very engaging read!Reviewed in Canada on December 12, 2022A Heart for Healing delves into the intricate and delicate relationship between natural, holistic health and conventional western medicine. It is a very engaging read. I was taken on a journey with Georgina as she grows and evolves in the world of natural health. As the story progresses, I found great satisfaction in Georgina’s accomplishments in promoting engagement and collaboration between natural & conventional medicine. A must read for health professionals and all those interested in understanding the role of natural health and western medicine in today’s society.Rose ScapinCEO, Natural Health MarketingRHN Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Reflexologist,RPN Registered Practical NurseAmazon CustomerAmazon Review5.0 out of 5 stars A Woman's DreamReviewed in Canada on December 3, 2022I was hooked after the first chapter. The plot and characters were so true to life that I found myself always engaged and ready to read more. The vocabulary was intelligent and fitted the characters in a very realistic way. I have always been interested in wellness and healing and so the title made me wanted to find out how the heart and healing work together to make people complete. The main character was able to overcome many hurtles in her life with the help of her friends. I could relate to the story and this book made me feel satisfied. We all have dreams and this book taught me that if we perservere, we can accomplish our life goals.Joan N. Amazon Review5.0 out of 5 stars An excellent novel that I highly recommend.Reviewed in Canada on July 5, 2022Ruth Thompson’s A Heart for Healing, is a cleverly written and engaging novel that entices the reader in both the professional and personal life of Georgina as she becomes a naturopath practitioner.The novel flows expertly, without forcing the reader to make a choice, as it shines light on a vision of holistic health practices and mainstream medicine as complementary care options.The author’s writing style and character development made it hard to stop reading - I was constantly wanting to know what would happen next.
KIRKUS Indie Review“Thompson tackles issues that will resonate with many readers in midlife: empty nests, children who choose lives for themselves that take them far from home, and temptations outside of marriage. Overall, readers who love a good story about a life change will enjoy following Georgie’s…..A book with an empowering message.”
AHeartforHealingisanenjoyablereadandthroughherwritingtheauthorreinforcedtomeasa readerthatchoice,consequence,courageandconvictionareallrequiredtobeallwecanbe.Changeis constantinourlivesandweneedtoberemindedtogiveourselvespermissiontofollowourdreamsand the main character Georgina reminds us of that. Thank you Ruth.
FollowingGeorgina’scareerdecisionandthepathtobecominganaturopath,andtheimportanceof naturopathyalongsidetraditionalmedicineforamorecomprehensivemodelforpatientcare-I picturedGeorginaasaHallmarkcharacterandthoughtthiscouldbeanopportunitytohelpfurther promoteawiderviewofhealththroughheart-warmingstorytellingthateducatesandentertains.The authorpullsonherknowledgeandtakesusdeeperintounderstandingoptionswehavewhenwe’re lookingatourownhealth.Ithinkthisbookisimportantandinformative,andIwasleftwondering- ok,what’sGeorginagoingtodonext.Ohandthere’saretreatshewritesabout,nottogiveanything away BUT if they had these I’d like to go!
Telma RochaGeorgieputsherdreamsandhopesofbecomingadoctoronholdtosupportherhusbandinbuildinghis accountingfirmandraisingtheirchildren.Duringthatunselfishtime,heronelingeringthoughtis whethershe’llbeableto,someday,resumemedschool.Whenachanceforhertodosoemerges, Georgiequestionshercorevaluesandaskedherselfifbeingamedicaldoctoriswhatshewantsorwhat herfathergroomedherfor.Searchingdeepintoherdaughter’smysteriousillnessandwhatfinallymade herwell,Georgiefindsshewantstohelppeople,butthroughamoreholisticapproachusingnaturopath medicine.Willherfamilystandbyherlikeshedidforthemforsomanyyears?Thisstorywasgripping, andeducational.Ilearnedalotaboutthenaturopathcommunityandprofession.I’veneverbeentoa naturopath,butIpracticemanyofthecoreprinciples,suchasusingfoodformedicine,livingahealthy lifestyle,etc…soIrelatedtoalotoftheprinciples.Theauthordrewfromherownpersonalexperiences andcreatedawellroundedsetofcharactersandstorylinethatleftmefeelinglikeIwasreadingabouta realfamily.Atitscorethisbookisaboutfamilydynamics,growing(spirituallyandmentally)and remainingtruetooneself.IreallyenjoyeditandwantedtoknowmoreaboutGeorgie’slifewhenthe book ended. If you’re open to learning about complimentary methods of healing, I recommend this. Well done and congratulations. @ruththompson_author
Lynda KilpatrickIreallyrelatedtothestrugglesGeorginafacedmakingdifficultdecisionsthatimpactedherfamily andherself.Ruthdoesanexcellentjobofintroducingustoholisticmedicineanddoesitinanon "preachy"way.Thepremiseoftryingtomeldthefieldoftraditionalmedicinewithalternativesisvery well done. There are twists in the plot which makes the reader hope for a sequel. A great read!
Chris WeaverFoundmyselfeasilyabsorbedinthemaincharacter’slifechangingchoices.HardtoputdownasI wantedtoknowifherholistichealthpursuitswouldworkforherself,familyandotherrelationships. Great read!
KIRKUS Indie Review“Thompson tackles issues that will resonate with many readers in midlife: empty nests, children who choose lives for themselves that take them far from home, and temptations outside of marriage. Overall, readers who love a good story about a life change will enjoy following Georgie’s…..A book with an empowering message.”
Rose Scapin5.0 out of 5 stars It is a very engaging read!Reviewed in Canada on December 12, 2022A Heart for Healing delves into the intricate and delicate relationship between natural, holistic health and conventional western medicine. It is a very engaging read. I was taken on a journey with Georgina as she grows and evolves in the world of natural health. As the story progresses, I found great satisfaction in Georgina’s accomplishments in promoting engagement and collaboration between natural & conventional medicine. A must read for health professionals and all those interested in understanding the role of natural health and western medicine in today’s society.Rose ScapinCEO, Natural Health MarketingRHN Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Reflexologist,RPN Registered Practical NurseAmazon CustomerAmazon Review5.0 out of 5 stars A Woman's DreamReviewed in Canada on December 3, 2022I was hooked after the first chapter. The plot and characters were so true to life that I found myself always engaged and ready to read more. The vocabulary was intelligent and fitted the characters in a very realistic way. I have always been interested in wellness and healing and so the title made me wanted to find out how the heart and healing work together to make people complete. The main character was able to overcome many hurtles in her life with the help of her friends. I could relate to the story and this book made me feel satisfied. We all have dreams and this book taught me that if we perservere, we can accomplish our life goals.Joan N. Amazon Review5.0 out of 5 stars An excellent novel that I highly recommend.Reviewed in Canada on July 5, 2022Ruth Thompson’s A Heart for Healing, is a cleverly written and engaging novel that entices the reader in both the professional and personal life of Georgina as she becomes a naturopath practitioner.The novel flows expertly, without forcing the reader to make a choice, as it shines light on a vision of holistic health practices and mainstream medicine as complementary care options.The author’s writing style and character development made it hard to stop reading - I was constantly wanting to know what would happen next.
AHeartforHealingisanenjoyablereadandthroughher writingtheauthorreinforcedtomeasareaderthatchoice, consequence,courageandconvictionareallrequiredtobe allwecanbe.Changeisconstantinourlivesandweneed toberemindedtogiveourselvespermissiontofollowour dreamsandthemaincharacterGeorginaremindsusof that. Thank you Ruth.
FollowingGeorgina’scareerdecisionandthepathto becominganaturopath,andtheimportanceof naturopathyalongsidetraditionalmedicineforamore comprehensivemodelforpatientcare-Ipictured GeorginaasaHallmarkcharacterandthoughtthiscould beanopportunitytohelpfurtherpromoteawiderviewof healththroughheart-warmingstorytellingthateducates andentertains.Theauthorpullsonherknowledgeand takesusdeeperintounderstandingoptionswehavewhen we’relookingatourownhealth.Ithinkthisbookis importantandinformative,andIwasleftwondering-ok, what’sGeorginagoingtodonext.Ohandthere’saretreat shewritesabout,nottogiveanythingawayBUTifthey had these I’d like to go!
Chris WeaverFoundmyselfeasilyabsorbedinthemaincharacter’slife changingchoices.HardtoputdownasIwantedtoknow ifherholistichealthpursuitswouldworkforherself, family and other relationships. Great read!